Monday, January 13, 2014

Sometimes Fate Intervenes

Lethargic, grumpy, exhausted from a long week and weekend of sick kids, a busy social calendar and work....these are the feelings I had when I woke up this morning.  Immediately I began my plot to ditch my run.  I slowly made it through the morning routine of preparing a hot breakfast for kids, making lunches, getting them out of the door for school and answering a few work emails, and then I had to decide - was I going to go for my run or not? Technically, according to my own self-imposed plan, I only have to run 5 days a week.  Maybe this should just be my day off since I have ZERO pep in my step and I have an extremely busy day ahead of me (these are of course all the reasons you should run and you should make that run happen in the early morning hours in the dark before you have time to go through this rationalizing process - otherwise known as bailing).  I decided on middle ground, packed a bag with clothes (just in case) and headed to the office.  I was planning on skipping lunch since I was about 99.9% sure I was never going to use that gym bag today, but then it occurred to me that I should go to Whole Foods and find a "magic pill" for the mood that I was in.  After all, Whole Foods has everything, I was sure there was some supplement for "super cranky, lethargic, exhausted women" - all I needed to do was go look.  I have heard on more than one occasion from friends how much they hate Whole Foods - mainly because they can never find parking.  I have always, always been able to find parking, no matter when I go (weekends, weekdays, lunch time, off times, etc.) and not only parking, but good parking.  So, today in the aforementioned mood that I was in, it was only appropriate that I circled the parking garage and found NO parking!  With crankiness jacked up about 100% at this point, I decided I would circle one more time and if I didn't find any parking, I guess I would be forced to go to the gym - since it was less than a block away.  Well, as the fates would have it, no parking second time around.  So, whether I wanted to or not, I ended up in my workout clothes at the gym at the end of it all.  Did I get a run in today - No.  But, I did get off of my butt and do something and when I was done, I was in a much, much better mood even without the "magic pill."

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