Tuesday, January 14, 2014


So, a friend of mine sent around an email at the beginning of the year that was essentially about taking time out while you are experiencing something really cool (like for instance running through the largest ditch on earth, otherwise known as the Grand Canyon) to recognize how "awesome" that experience is while you are actually in it.  How rare is it that any of us EVER take time to do that?  No matter what we are doing  - running, working, spending time with friends, cleaning house, eating, drinking, you name it...chances are, we are all thinking about what's coming next.  What we need to do next, what we want to do next, what we have to do next....It's so easy to live in the future rather than the present.  I know this is one of my personal flaws.  I can't make it through the first 2 minutes of my day (that's probably a generous estimate) before I have the entire next 12 hours (minimum) planned out methodically in my head.  What would it be like to just wake up and actually think about how good my coffee smells and tastes?  Or actually talk to my children during breakfast rather than multitasking to get to the next thing to get them out of the door to school?  To go for a run and NOT be planning the rest of the runs for the week, month, year?  It would be AWESOME...so that is why I am adopting my friend's mantra and making this the year of Awesomeness (and consistency of course)!  I plan to be awesome by being present (as much as is humanly possible for me (remember setting reachable goals is key) - I have had 39 years of type-A behaviors and have a bit of OCD) and in finding something awesome no matter what the circumstances.  

                                               Top of Mount Elbert (14,400 Feet)
                                                       June 2011 - Awesomeness!

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