Saturday, January 4, 2014

Consistency - What's That?

So, this blog is about staying consistent in 2014, but what does it mean to be consistent?  Fortunately, different things for different people.  For most of us, it doesn't mean committing to running 7 days a week (although I do have super-human friends who can pull this off).  I have tried this approach and I fail every...single....time.  I can make it 8-10 days and then I am DONE and I don't lace up again for weeks sometimes.  This is not a good plan for success!  Don't set yourself up for failure.  Be reasonable and HONEST about what your capable of at this particular point.  It doesn't mean the definition cannot change down the road as you work up to more mileage or days of running.  So, for me at this point in my life, consistency means running at least 5 days a week.  If I manage to get in more, great, but I won't beat myself up if I only can run 5 days.  I started this week off last Saturday, between last Saturday and this Saturday (technically I shouldn't get to count both in my "week" for running but whatever, it's my blog :)) I ran 50 miles in 6 days, nothing less than 7 and finished out today with a 12 mile medium long run.  Now, the real test comes next week and the week's always easy to be motivated the first week of anything "new" you start.  I thought about this on my run today.  It's hard to implement a new workout program/running program no matter if it's the first time ever or you are getting back in the saddle.  I hurt at mile 2 of my 12 mile run today.  I had zero "pep" in my step, no friends to entertain me and dead legs from earlier mileage in the week.  The work is the same for all of us.  It's not easy.  Isn't that the point though?  If it were easy, if it didn't hurt, if there was no challenge involved, then we wouldn't waste our time doing it at all.  The pain makes us better.  It's hard to convince yourself of that at the time, but it's the truth.  I am certain One Republic was not talking about running with the lyrics "everything that kills me makes me feel alive," but it sure does fit.  Now, go lace up your shoes!

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