Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thank Goodness for Hot Sauce...

As with most type-A, OCD personalities, having one goal at a time is just simply insufficient.  So, as it goes, I have not only committed myself to at least five days of running, but I also decided somewhere along the way to try to re-vamp my "diet."  I use that term as in "what I eat everyday" and not in the context of I am on a "diet" - see prior entry on "juice cleanse" if you want to see how well those attempts go for me.  This process came about after my trainer challenged me to enter ALL of my food and more importantly my drinks into a little app that calculates your calories and breaks down your food into categories.  Well, I thought I had this, no my mind, I eat healthy pretty much under the 80/20 rule...that is, I eat healthy Monday-Thursday (maybe Friday, but unlikely) and then I do what I want on the weekend, still keeping in mind what I thought were key points.  I don't eat pasta, I thought I had a pretty high protein based diet - which would be good for rebuilding muscle after workouts and runs - I knew I drank too much wine which is just empty calories, but frankly every single runner I know is a power drinker...this seemed of no consequence to me.  Well, well, a day of entering my time into that forsaken app and WOW I was waaaay off base.  Apparently the protein I like (e.g. nuts, nut butter, red meat, olive oil, eggs, avocados) while good fat was making up around 50% of my calories in the day!  Whoa!  All of a sudden I felt completely frozen in my food choices - I really wanted a steak topped with a fried egg :) - did I have to eat grilled chicken everyday - or most of the time.  Surely there was shortcut... After about 2 weeks of denial and a large Costco bag of pistachios later, I accepted it...if I want to see changes in my workouts and how my body handles that, I have to make food changes.  As the saying goes, you can out-eat any good workout.  Food does matter.  So, with a heavy heart and very little enthusiasm I made myself a broccoli, egg white (oh I missed those butter yellows) scramble this morning.....all I can say is, everything tastes better with hot sauce!

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